A new support group is being launched for those who have the conditions PSP and CBD, and their families.

Progressive Supra-nuclear Palsy (PSP) and Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD) are rare conditions similar to Parkinson’s Disease, and can cause gradually worsening problems with movement, speech, memory and swallowing.

The first meeting of the PSPA Devon and Cornwall support group will take place on Wednesday, May 29 at 11am via Zoom. It will offer an opportunity to meet other affected families, with a view to organising future in-person events.

The group will be facilitated by Florence Bate, from Newquay, with the support of the PSP Association (PSPA).

Florence’s father, Richard, was diagnosed with PSP in 2023. “When Dad was first diagnosed, as a family we felt it was important to have a support network around us,” she said.

“Dad said he felt incredibly lonely and that the disease is incredibly isolating, as the decline in social skills and the ability to walk and talk isn’t really encompassed by Parkinson’s support groups.

“We wanted to give families like ours a place to go, and also give Dad a legacy so he could say he had made a difference.”

To attend the meeting, call the PSPA helpline on 0300 0110 122.