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Drones used to monitor huge crowds at Boardmasters last summer
New commanding officer for RNAS Culdrose
Appeal to purchase lifesaving helicopter reaches halfway milestone
Search and rescue team scoop prestigious award for perilous rescue
Cornwall Air Ambulance festive charity album soars up the charts
Air Ambulance appeals for people to 'sing home' a second helicopter
Tennis club make donation to Cornwall Air Ambulance's HELi2 appeal
Multi million pound investment for RNAS Culdrose
Final push to help Cornwall Air Ambulance reach its goal
Veterans gathered to commemorate pivotal moment in World War II
Air Ambulance tasked to over 500 missions in first half of 2024
Cornwall Air Ambulance experiences busiest May on record
Launch of aerospace festival for girls
Former servicewoman given surprise at her 102nd birthday party
People with disabilities offered opportunity to take flying lessons
Safety recommendations after aircraft tyres deflated during landing
'Heli 2 heroes' campaign launched
Council defends investments in companies 'profiting from slaughter'
Cornwall Air Ambulance launch appeal to purchase a second helicopter
Man dies in private aircraft crash at Truro Aerodrome
Exhibits being broken down at aviation centre being forced to close
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