Conservative – Steve Double

During my time as Member of Parliament for St Austell and Newquay I have been a firm champion for our fishing communities. Whether by securing compensation for fishermen who could no longer catch pollack, getting the Government to cut red tape that could have stopped experienced fishermen from fishing, to successfully campaigning for Cornwall IFCA to scrap potentially harmful bylaws, I have a record of delivery in this important area.

The Conservative Manifesto launched last week and contains strong commitments to the fishing and farming industries that many Cornish families rely on.

Highlights from the manifesto include the continuation of the £100-million UK Seafood Fund, a commitment for additional opportunities for the inshore fleet as we renegotiate the agreement with the EU in 2026, a pledge to raise the UK-wide farming budget to £1-billion by the next Parliament, and legally binding food security targets.

Meanwhile the Labour Manifesto does not mention fishing or rural communities once, commits no additional funding for farmers, and no commitment for food security.

It seems very clear, Labour simply does not care about fishing communities or understand the rural way of life.

Labour – Noah Law

There’s a future for good jobs and industry in Cornwall – but it needs a vision.

Upcountry, people think our county is the land of milk and plenty. But Cornwall has been left behind by years of underinvestment. The lack of a plan. We are a low wage economy but with beautiful landscapes and people who have hopes and dreams if only they had the backing, they needed to help fulfil them.

Because Cornwall’s recent economic history is one of untapped potential. We have a wealth of opportunity in the offshore wind, maritime, and minerals industries.

Minerals in our part of Cornwall once employed over 10,000 people but has been decimated by poor policymaking. Rising industrial electricity costs, weakened freight rail infrastructure, and hurdles like a mishmash of complicated levies have hindered us.

We need a masterplan for the lithium supply chain, ensuring it’s mined, refined, and utilized in local battery factories. Investment in Celtic Sea offshore wind through Green British Energy will reduce electricity costs, supercharging industrial growth.

It’s also vital to change perceptions of work in mining and minerals. Today’s industry offers high-paid, mechanized jobs, far from the outdated image of blood, sweat, and tears.

Cornwall’s future is bright.

Liberal Democrats – Joanna Kenny

Our constituency is blessed with wonderful coastlines but we have active issues on both coasts at Whipsiderry and Par Beach. I see my role as MP as very much a strong local champion who can bring the different authorities charged with protecting our precious marine environment together to get sensible cohesive solutions. And I have been working closely for the last year with both the ‘Save Whipsiderry cliffs’ and the ‘Desalination Information’ resident groups.

At Whipsiderry, the cliffs have fallen an unprecedented 10 metres or so in the last year with more to come. The Whipsiderry steps are now dangerous. One chink of light, Cornwall Council have finally agreed to meet with the town council and key experts.

At Par beach, the MMO are completing consultation on the proposal by South West Water on the first stage of their Desalination Plant. My chief concern is what effect the discharges from the plant could have on the extensive Sea Grass beds and the very rare Maerl? While St Austell Bay has some protection by being part of the Special Protection Areas aimed at bird life, I believe it should be considered for designation as a Special Area of Conservation.

• Also standing: Stephen Beal (Reform UK), Amanda Pennington (Green Party), Jay Latham (Liberal) and Angie Rayner (Independent)