Conservative – Sheryll Murray

I am prioritising knocking on doors during the campaign. I love listening to people right across South East Cornwall and listening to views. I would like to thank everyone who has spoken to me or a member of my team. I apologise if I have not spoken to you directly but please do feel free to complete the ‘your views’ section on my website at or email me directly at [email protected]

Many local issues have come forward. I have been working with the Police and Crime Commissioner to open more police station front desks, get more police and more Tri-service officers. I have been working to get more banking hubs so that towns have the banking facilities they need. I have welcomed grants from the Conservative government to the constituency to protect our heritage, to improve our sports facilities and help new business. I will continue to push for money for South East Cornwall. Working with other Cornish MPs we managed to get compensation for fishermen when they were told not to catch Pollock and am working to secure a route to market following the closure of the Plymouth Fish Market.

Liberal Democrat — Colin Martin

Four weeks into the election campaign, many people still haven’t decided how to vote. I’ve spoken to hundreds of people across South East Cornwall and three things are clear:

Most former Conservative voters are fed up with the current government and feel let down by years of unfulfilled promises. They know Keir Starmer will soon be Prime Minister, but feel he needs to be held in check by a strong opposition.

Most Labour supporters know that this is not a target seat for Labour. They also feel disappointed that Keir Starmer’s top priority is sticking to Conservative spending and borrowing plans. Labour hasn’t even called for the government to fund the Tamar Tolls, so people are worried that they won’t have the strength to stand up for the area.

Thankfully, both Conservative and Labour supporters say they will vote for me to become their next MP. They know I have a track-record of getting things done, supporting other parties when they do what’s right, opposing them when they’re wrong, and always fighting to get a fair deal for South East Cornwall.

Reform UK – Paul Wadley

The Plymouth Fish Market has existed since 1896 and is now set to close, creating another blow to our local economy. A Brexit benefit was taking back control of our waters, with the 12-mile limit the purview of UK fishermen. However, the Conservatives squandered this, leaving the EU to take a greater proportion of the catch, with our fishermen sometimes excluded and having to go beyond the 12-mile limit to fish. Still, the Government fails to address this ludicrous situation, and Labour with their stance on Europe, we will likely see no change.

With its forward-thinking approach, Reform UK plans to harness the potential of tax and other incentives by offering vocational training to increase UK fishing fleets. The aim is to ensure that all fish caught in British waters are landed and processed in the UK, opening up new opportunities for our local economy. In this way, we’ll be able to monitor catches thereby maintaining healthy fish stocks within our coastal waters.

Launching a Sovereign Wealth-Style Coastal Fund will ensure that proceeds from foreign fishing licences are reinvested in coastal communities.

Also, to guarantee sustainable stocks, we will Implement a 'dynamic management system' and work with national and regional partners to rejuvenate the fishing industry.

Green Party — Martin Corney

What is the Green Party? I fear that most people think of us as a bunch of Hippies – we’re not. The Green Party was founded by scientists as the Ecology Party and is packed full of such people as economics professors, scientists and engineers like me. Engineers are practical problem solvers and boy are we needed now. Our manifesto is now published and is packed full of ideas for real hope and real change. Check it out online.

What’s gone wrong? Politics is out of balance. In my time I’ve been, Liberal, Labour and now Green. My outlook hasn’t changed. I still reject greed and hatred, embracing generosity and love. But all the old parties have shifted so far to the right that there’s no space between them. Greens are the only party with progressive policies to restore the balance and undo the damage done by Market Capitalist extremists. Austerity since the 2010 Tory/Lib Dem coalition has destroyed the economy. It’s been like driving up the motorway with the handbrake on – possible but doomed to fail.

Labour — Anna Gelderd

It’s been our busiest week on the campaign trail yet and I am so grateful to everyone who has spoken to me on the doorstep or at my community events. It’s now crystal clear that only Labour can beat the Conservative incumbent here in South East Cornwall.

This week saw the launch of Labour’s brilliant manifesto. I am more determined than ever that South East Cornwall must get our fair share. We need a Labour MP who can fight our corner. I care too much about the place I call home to let noise and hot air stand in the way of delivering for the communities we care about.

On Thursday I was pleased to welcome musician and water campaigner Feargal Sharkey to Looe, where we met with the Looe Sea Swimmers and local residents to discuss the urgent action needed on the Tory sewage crisis. As an experienced conservationist, I will make this a priority if I am elected.

I’ve had many discussions this week with local people who are concerned about rising crime. Whether its public drinking in Liskeard and Saltash, the horrendous practise of county lines, lay-by fly tipping, or wider antisocial behaviour, Labour has a clear plan to take back our streets with 13,000 new police and PCSOs.

• Also standing: Graham Cowdry (Heritage Party)