Green Party – Catherine Hayes

I believe we are the only party proposing the serious action needed to create a fairer healthier country. We want to bring our public services back to health. The NHS is on its knees, with morale amongst staff at a record low, staff retention an issue and waiting lists that would not have been believed, decades ago. Cornish residents have suffered more than most with longer ambulance waiting times and appalling extended waiting lists for services, and in some instances a complete lack of facilities being available in the Duchy.

We propose raising funds through a wealth tax to invest in our crumbling public services. We propose investing £50-billion, the greatest amount of investment across all parties, to revitalise the NHS.

Where you live should not determine the scope of healthcare that you have access to and access to dental care should not be determined by what you can afford to pay. We want to guarantee access to NHS dentistry for all, guaranteed rapid access to your GP, with a year-on-year reduction in NHS waiting lists. We propose increased funding for, and access to, mental health care.

Together we can restore our NHS, it is a vital public service that should be run with patients, not profit, at its heart.

• Also standing is Robert Hawkins (Socialist Labour Party), Paul Holmes (Liberal), Perran Moon (Labour), Connor Donnithorne (Conservative), Roger Tarrant (Reform UK) and Thalia Marrington (Liberal Democrats)