MORE evidence of the changing face of the high street can be seen at the White River Place shopping complex in St Austell where a new “community cash pod” has been installed.
HSBC has provided the freestanding pod, an automated cash machine with enhanced features, after gaining planning permission from Cornwall Council.
The bank told the council that its customers’ preferences were evolving and had changed rapidly in recent years with remote banking becoming the norm for the majority.
HSBC said that nine in 10 people now conduct their banking exclusively online and that 99 per cent of cash withdrawals are made from cash machines.
The trend has led to the bank closing branches. To address the new situation, HSBC is installing cash machines with additional functions. The unmanned self-service pods cover PIN unlock/reset, mini-statements, credit card payments and cash deposits.

The St Austell pod, which features a steel secure room, will use “intelligent cash recycling” supported by a cash replenishment service.
The structure, near the Poundland store, is clad in cedar slats, has illuminated signs and includes a roof-mounted solar panel.
A Cornwall Council planning officer had recommended that councillors should approve the planning application for the pod. The town council had raised no objection.