A Cornish family reunion will take place on Thursday, June 20, with attendees anticipated from as far afield as Canada, Japan and Australia.

Between 70 and 80 members of the wider Retallick/Retallack family will visit The Hurlers and the Cheesewring in south-east Cornwall, St Piran’s Oratory and Perran Round near Perranporth, Restormel Castle and the Duchy Palace at Lostwithiel, historic home of Cornwall’s Stannary Parliament.

On Saturday, they will research family history at the church of Latter Day Saints in St Austell, followed by dinner at the Victoria Inn in Roche; and on Sunday, a group photo will be taken at St Newlyn East Pit.

Mike Retallick, from Calgary in Canada, has been instrumental in arranging the reunion. His grandfather was born in Bodmin, and his decendants can be traced back for 350 years to St Wenn. 

This is his second Retallick/Retallack family reunion, building on the success of the first in 2019, with many returning Retallick/Retallacks as well as new arrivals.

 “We feel it’s very important to connect with our homeland and our heritage,” said Mike. “Our family name is Cornish, and we all want to connect to the Cornish culture and the history of our people.

“We are finding new relations from around the world reconnecting our family trees while learning our Cornish heritage.

“My wife and I fell in love with Kernow the first time we came, and we have returned many times since to reconnect with cousins and the place our ancestors lived.”

All Retallicks and Retallacks, their partners and descendants (not necessarily with the same surnames) are welcome to attend all or any of the events. Interested parties should join the ‘Retallick/Retallack Reunion in Cornwall’ Facebook group for further information and to be included in the carvery dinner (with vegetarian option) on the Saturday.

Colin Retallick, from Perranporth, said: “So many families left Cornwall in the early 20th century, to find employment following the decline of the mining industry. Their descendants think of Cornwall as the homeland. “There are Facebook groups in which individuals post and communicate; finally they will have an opportunity to meet in person.”