Dogs, rabbits, dogs, guinea pigs and more dogs attended Truro Cathedral’s popular post-Christmas pets’ service on Saturday, December 28.

Rev Canon Alan Bashforth led the congregation, which was decidedly noisier than usual, in a series of animal-themed prayers, readings and hymns including ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’.

Dogs made up the vast majority of four-legged attendees, with all breeds, shapes and sizes in evidence; and joined in regular canine chorus with the musical numbers (and occasionally during the spoken word).

The service culminated in a nativity procession around the cathedral, with pets and owners invited to follow to the High Altar for the blessing and the last carol: Hark The Herald Angels Sing.

As the organ sounded the final strains of, Canon Alan bellowed “Happy Christmas!”, Noddy Holder-style, and the crowd returned his wishes in joyful shouts and barks.

Canon Alan later declared the congregation of the annual event “one of the most appreciative”.