Sen Godhyan (Sen – Saint, Godhyan – personal name)
what3words - ///warned.shipped.vaulting
Sen Godhyan yw treveglos arvorek, hag yw desedhys a-dro dhe dri mildir a gledh dhe Heyl. Tewyn Godhyan a gudh tyller a vargen tir oos brons.
Gwithian is a coastal town, which is located about three miles north of Hayle. Gwithian Towans covers the site of an old bronze age farm.
Eglos koth, a veu drehevys yn 490, hag a veu diskudhys warbarth gans kreryow sans, yn-dann an teweynnow yn 19ves kansbledhen. Wosa henna i a veu gesys dhe vos kudhys arta gans an tewes.
An old church which was built in 490, which was discovered along with saints’ relics under the sands in the 19th century. After that, they were left to be covered up again by the sand.
Keverang Bennwydh, onan a dheg unsesow menystrek koth dhe Gernow, a’s tevo hy hen gresen hy honan yn Tregoner, dell yw deskrifys y’n lyver An Arhwithrans Dydh Breus 1086, yw ynkleudhys lemmyn yn-dann Dewyn Godhyan.
The Penwith Hundred, one of the old ten administrative units in Cornwall, had its own ancient centre in Connerton, as described in the Doomsday book in 1086 and is now buried under the sands of Gwithian Towans.
Chesten Marchant, neb a verwis yn 1676 yn Sen Godhyan, yw krysys dhe vos an diwetha kowsores Gernewek unyethogas.
Chesten Marchant, who died in 1676 in Gwithian, is believed to be the last monoglot Cornish speaker.
An Rosweyth is a community organisation which exists to promote the use of the Cornish language
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