LEAVING behind the marvellous setting of Sennen Cove, today we are going around the rugged coast to Cape Cornwall as the Voice continues its serialisation of the travel book, Cornwall Favourites For One And All!: A Quick Guide To Good Places To Visit Across The County.
Voice journalist Andrew Townsend, the author of the book, says: “Our lovely tour around Cornwall has recently seen up reach a milestone with our arrival at Land’s End. Up until then, we had been making our way along the superb south coast of the county, in the latter stages visiting Porthcurno, Mousehole and Mount’s Bay.
“For the latest part of the tour, we are heading along the extensive northern coast of Cornwall.”
Cape Cornwall, around four miles north of Land’s End, has been shaped by its busy industrial past but, today, it is a quiet location in a beautiful setting.
The headland, one of only two capes in the country, is part of the Cornish Mining World Heritage Site.
The area was bought for the nation by the Heinz company as part of its centenary celebrations and presented to the National Trust in the 1980s.
The chimney stack on the cape dates from the 1890s when the Cape Cornwall Mine was extracting tin and copper from out under the sea.
Offshore is the Brisons rock formation which is said to resemble French leader General Charles de Gaulle taking a bath. These rocks are a breeding ground for seabirds.
On the cliffs nearby is the Ballowall Barrow, a Bronze Age burial site.
Next time, we will be exploring the district in West Cornwall that has gained the label of the Tin Coast.
Our extensive tour around Cornwall, visiting well-known spots but also lesser-known locations, offers something for everyone, from sandy beaches, remote moorland, storm-beaten cliffs and scenic rivers to historic towns, pretty villages, mining relics and visitor attractions.
*Andrew Townsend is a journalist and writer. More details of Cornwall Favourites For One And All!: A Quick Guide To Good Places To Visit Across The County can be found via this link to Andrew’s author page on Amazon - https://bit.ly/AndrewTownsendAuthor