VOICE gardening correspondent Martin Pallett is holding a plant sale on Saturday, July 6, when he will also be offering tips and advice.

Martin said: “The plant sale will be held in our front garden at 19 Sea Road, Carlyon Bay, St Austell, PL25 3SF, between 1.30pm and 4pm.

“There will be a range of interesting and unusual plants all grown in our own garden.

“I will be able to show customers the plants actually growing and flowering in the garden and give advice about them too.

“We started selling plants when people walking by the garden asked if we sold any of the plants they could see.

“The plants we are selling are all propagated from our own garden in peat-free compost and using recycled containers.

“Some we grow from seed, others were originally cuttings and some plants we divide periodically to make more plants, some of which we sell.

“Some specimens are shrubs and others are annuals and perennials. There will be a real mix of plants available and lots are very colourful.

“Many of the plants we grow originate from South Africa, Australia and other parts of the world. All grow well in our Carlyon Bay garden.”