A council meeting heard from residents concerned about plans for a new Gypsy site on their doorstep, but a neighbour told them it is “no cause for alarm” and they should welcome it as “a positive contribution to cultural diversity and social harmony”.

A meeting of Cornwall Council’s west sub-area planning committee met in Camborne yesterday (Monday, October 16) to discuss an application by Mr J Reed for a private Gypsy site on land at Rookery Farm, Porthtowan. The site would be 0.23 hectares in size and comprise two mobile homes, two touring caravans and two day rooms. Access would be via an existing entrance off an  adjacent unclassified single track highway.

A similar application 100 metres to the south west of the proposed site was previously refused on the grounds of poor access to services and harm to the landscape. A subsequent planning appeal was also lost on the grounds of harm to the character of the rural landscape.

A planning officer’s report states: “The current proposal has relocated the site to a less prominent location on the periphery of the applicant’s land holding and it is considered that re-siting addresses the issue of visual harm whilst not significantly impacting on the residential amenities of any neighbouring occupiers. As such it is recommended that the application be approved, as it is reasonably accessible to a range of services.”

The proposal includes a landscaping scheme which would include Cornish hedges and the planting of dozens of new trees.

A resident, Alex McCheyne, argued that the application was basically a duplicate of what was proposed before. He said that three dwellings at the site already have a Gypsy site bordering them.

“Approving this would essentially be alienating local residents since the Gypsy population would dominate the area,” he added, saying that government planning policy for traveller sites in rural areas means that local planning authorities should ensure that the scale of such sites does not dominate the nearest settled community.

Ian Stewart, chairman of Portreath Parish Council, said many of the planning inspector’s concerns still apply.

“The planning officer has mentioned the unmet need of Cornwall Council to provide travellers’ sites. Whilst that may indeed be the case that does not make this particular site any more acceptable and I would point out there are already a number of travellers’ sites within the parish,” he added.

Local member Cllr Dave Crabtree said, like residents and members of the parish council, he was surprised to see the application come back again less than 12 months after being refused.

Kayley Lawry told the planning committee her family own a field adjacent to the applicant’s land and she advocated for him, adding that the application is aligned with the values “the council holds dear in the community”.

She said: “Mr Reed and his family are traditional Romany Gypsies. He was born at Carn Brea, an official stopping place for Romany Gypsies in Cornwall, which can be seen from the site. His family have travelled around Cornwall for generations. Unfortunately the places they used to be able to stay have been closed off. Now they need their own land to live on in their own traditional way.

“After searching for many years they found this land which seemed perfect for them. They have gone about this in the right way and consulted with the council as much as possible. They are pleased that they now have a plan which the officers are happy with.”

Mrs Lawry added: “Gypsies and travellers have the right to seek planning permission for sites where they can live in caravans. This is a significant aspect of their rights and is written in the principles of cultural diversity and human rights, recognising the long-standing unique lifestyle of Gypsy communities and fostering respect for cultural heritage.

“Locals should consider the benefits of allowing planning permission for Gypsy sites as a positive contribution to cultural diversity and social harmony. By accommodating the needs of the Gypsy community locals can demonstrate a commitment to equal opportunities. There is a massive shortage of Gypsy and traveller sites in Cornwall so this is a good solution for them and the council as it is entirely self-funding.”

She told councillors: “Some may worry about the scale of this development but there’s no cause for alarm. This planning application isn’t an open door to a caravan [park], it’s a modest proposal to provide a home for Mr Reed, his son and their family.” Mrs Lawry added the application addressed the housing need for a family “in a desperate situation”.

During discussion about the proposal, Cllr Loveday Jenkin said: “At the risk of being very unpopular in the room, there is very little to refuse this on planning grounds. The landscaping is appropriate, the positioning is appropriate and I think if we tried to refuse it on landscape grounds that would be thrown out at appeal. I think we have to bite the bullet on this.”

The planning committee voted to approve the application with four votes for, three against and two abstentions.