THE latest data from the Complete University Guide have revealed an encouraging trend for graduates, with nearly 80 per cent nationally now securing positions in graduate-level or professional roles, along with pursuing further education.

This landmark finding signals a significant confirmation of the enduring value of a degree in today's competitive job market.

The data were revealed in the compilation of the 2025 UK university league tables, published today.

The data reveal a striking narrative, as 68 per cent of graduates in the South West who studied music, 68.2 per cent in creative writing, and 73.8 per cent in history of art, architecture and design have successfully transitioned into graduate-level or professional roles or pursued postgraduate education. This dispels the pervasive myth that only STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects offer viable career pathways for students.

In the South West studying music, for example, will have a great impact on your employment opportunities. Students who attended the University of Bristol had 88.9 per cent positive graduate prospects and Bath Spa University 66.8 per cent. This was replicated at Bournemouth University where studying creative writing saw graduate prospects fly high at 81.8 per cent.

The Graduate Outcomes survey, first conducted by HESA in December 2018 and published in June 2020, has since become an integral component of the Complete University Guide's assessment criteria providing the data for graduate prospects. This measure looks at the success of graduates progressing into graduate-level or professional roles, or postgraduate education.

Professor Amanda Chetwynd, chair of the Complete University Guide advisory board, said: "Today's data from the Complete University Guide's 2025 rankings show the value of higher education in shaping the careers of graduates across the UK.

"In the South West we can see that studying the arts at university will equip students well for the future and can no longer be seen as the poor relation to STEM subjects.

"These new data show that whatever subject students are passionate about studying, our league tables will help point them to universities that will help them secure an excellent career."