POOL Academy has marked Anti-Bullying Week by spreading kindness through sending positive messages to their peers.
Anti-Bullying Week, observed in schools across the country from November 11-15, is an important initiative aimed at raising awareness about bullying, promoting kindness, and encouraging students to speak out against all forms of bullying.
This year’s theme is ‘Choose Respect,’ emphasising the need to handle differences of opinion and disagreements respectfully and without resorting to bullying.
To mark Anti-Bullying Week, Pool students were invited to send positive messages to their fellow peers. Students were able to pick up blank postcards, write a kind message - a compliment, words of encouragement, or something to brighten their day and then drop the completed card at reception. The postcards were collected and personally delivered to students during tutor time throughout the week by staff.
The academy has worked closely with students and parents to actively promote a climate of cooperation and positive behaviour to reduce the number of incidents and the likelihood of bullying occurring.
All students are required to sign an anti bullying contract at the start of each year outlining how they will help to combat bullying.
They also promote anti bullying values through a combination of tutor-time, Personal, Social and Health and Economic Education, collective assemblies, lesson content and restorative justice practices.
Students are encouraged to report any bullying behaviour they witness, hear about or experience using the red button on their iPads. All reports are then investigated by members of the pastoral team. Pool Academy aims to have a supportive and engaging learning environment where every student feels valued and can thrive. This Academy feels this will have a real and lasting impact on student success.
Nick Ward, Principal at Pool Academy said: “I am glad that our young people and their parents report that bullying, and other forms of conflict, are dealt with really well at the academy. I want all our students to learn and work in a relaxed and secure atmosphere without fear of being bullied.
“At Pool Academy, we are really proud of our Red Button policy and the work that our anti-bullying team is doing to create a positive learning environment for all of our students.”