Devon & Cornwall Police are reminding people to respect and protect rural communities and businesses this Easter when exploring the countryside.

With the tourism season traditionally starting over the Easter holidays, Cornwall and Devon’s population can increase by around a third.

Cornwall’s rural affairs officer for Devon & Cornwall Police, PC Chris Collins said: “We’d like to encourage people to take extra care when they explore the countryside this Easter to help protect our environment, our wildlife and our historic landmarks.

“We ask that people observe any rural safety signage they see, respect wildlife and livestock by ensuring dogs are kept on leads and please leave no negative footprint behind. 

Cornwall is home to an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty which is unique and totals almost a third of Cornwall’s area.

“Sadly during the holiday periods, we can see an increase in incidents such as livestock worrying and anti-social behaviour. 

“Our aim is to reduce these incidents and we will continue to work with partners and communities to identify and aim to prevent unlawful events, to protect our historic land and communities.”

“It is also important that people remember that when they walk across the countryside, all land is owned and any abuse of access has a significant impact on landowners, farmers, livestock, and wildlife and this can often lead to conflict between users.”

Police are asking that people follow the countryside code and to follow local signs and marked routes, leave gates as they are found and not to block access when parking. 

They also say people should keep to marked paths to protect crops and wildlife and not to light fire or have barbecues in the countryside.

PC Collins added: “We all have a responsibility to protect our open spaces, I would urge visitors to respect the countryside and be considerate to our rural communities. Enjoy the countryside but keep yourself safe, plan your visit, check the weather, tides, and local conditions. Tell someone where you are going and when you expect to be back.”

You can view the Countryside Code here;