DEVON & Cornwall Police has handed over £500 to the St Ives Community Land Trust (SICLT) who manage a group which deliver tasty treats to local isolated or lonely people. 

During the COVID pandemic the volunteers baked cakes and offered a friendly face to the Carbis Bay community. The Carbis Bay Bakers started as a project to reach out and support local people who may be isolated, vulnerable, or just missing their family. The project was so successful that it has continued to the present day.

Over the last four years, around 40 bakers have given up their time to make cakes and deliver them. The doorstep chats were crucial to keep people connected at a time of national isolation. However, they realised that isolation was the norm for many people, so the baking continued. More than 60 pieces of cake are delivered every two weeks in the St Ives area.

SICLT has funded this community project at the cost of £100 per month but previous grant funds such as the Cornwall Community Fund and Postcode Lottery Fund have now stopped.

The baking group has received £500 from the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) which diverts cash and assets from convicted criminals handing funds over to community groups and good causes in Devon and Cornwall.   

The money given to the trust will go towards baking equipment, ingredients and delivery costs so the group can continue to spread community spirit, along with the edible treats.

St Ives Community Land Trust board member, Morag Robertson, said: “We are always looking to create different fundraising activities and new sources of funding to sustain valued community projects like this. It gives St Ives Community Land Trust and this local support group in particular great encouragement to receive this funding from Devon & Cornwall Police.

“This chance to continue to support local people came about from a conversation with St Ives Police community support officer Terry Webb. It shows the importance of visible policing. Schemes such as ours bring communities together through these friendly encounters. We are delighted to receive this contribution towards the Carbis Bay Bakers.”

Anyone is interested in joining the baking or delivery team in Carbis Bay or knows of anyone who would appreciate a delivery of free homemade cake twice a month can contact Dinky on 07814 574438.

The Trust is made up of community members who wanted to find solutions to some of the problems affecting lives by finding new ways to make a difference. The Community Benefit Society has three key targets: affordable rental homes, affordable small workspace rentals and a community charter to link charitable, voluntary and community groups for a shared voice.

For more information about the Trust and their local groups, visit: