PLANS to make the roads around Roche and Bugle railway stations safer for walkers and cyclists and improve public spaces in the villages are being brought to life.

Residents and businesses are being invited to take a virtual reality tour of the Mid Cornwall Metro schemes at two drop-in events.

Residents and businesses are being invited to take a virtual reality tour ( )

The first will be held at Bugle Village Hall on Thursday, February 27 between 10.30am and 5.30pm, and the second at Roche Victory Social Club on Friday, February 28 from 10.30am and 6.30pm.

Those attending will be able to ‘travel’ in a hot air balloon to see for themselves how the designs on paper translate to their villages.

Members of the project team will be on hand to answer questions throughout the day.

Members of the project team will be on hand to answer questions throughout the day ( )

The Mid Cornwall Metro project is a £57m investment to upgrade the rail links between four of Cornwall’s largest towns, which include Newquay, St Austell, Truro, and Falmouth/Penryn.

The rail improvements will be complemented by improvements around the stations to make them attractive gateways to the local area where people want to spend time and visit local shops and businesses.

Connor Donnithorne, Cornwall Council cabinet portfolio holder for transport, said: “I encourage residents and businesses in Roche and Bugle to find out more at these exhibitions and give us your feedback.

“We will take on board your comments and adapt designs where possible.

“There are several reasons for improving public spaces and accessibility on the roads and public spaces around the stations.

“Improving the ‘first and last mile’ makes it easier for people to make the choice to walk, cycle or catch the bus to their local station, rather than driving and adding to congestion on our roads.

“It also benefits those in the community who may not need to travel by train, and instead are travelling within their town or village.

“People are more likely to walk or cycle if they feel safe to do so.

“And there’s lots of research showing the value of the ‘pedestrian pound’ and how attractive, connected public spaces increase dwell time in local shops and businesses.”