THE new mayor of St Austell Cllr Julian Young has issued the first update on his year in office in which he highlights ongoing plans to regenerate the town centre and also looks forward to a fun day in the town next month.

Cllr Young said: “Following the production of a town centre masterplan at the end of 2022, the town council and stakeholders have started work on a number of regenerative projects identified within the plan.

“Funding has been obtained for a design and feasibility exercise at Old Vicarage Place for a rooftop garden and facilities on an unused car park which no longer has vehicular access. A number of stakeholders have identified the space as suitable for the creation of a green open space with community facilities. The outcome of this scoping exercise should be known by the end of 2024.

“Good Growth funding has been obtained to design and create a piazza within the Holy Trinity Church grounds to complement the recently created Trinity Centre. It is also hoped that phase two of the project will improve the paths around the church which are in poor condition. The piazza works should be completed by March 2025.

“A grant of £25,000 has been approved from the Cornwall Council Town Vitality Fund to replace the faded banner on the Poundland building. This project was identified by members of the public and stakeholders as a priority. The project will include an exhibition of photographs for the public to determine which photographs should go on the banner. This should be completed by March 2025.

“Since being elected in May, I have been kept busy with a number of civic and community engagements which have been extremely enjoyable. It is also the time of year where a number of students are on work experience and we have, during the summer, six young people gaining valuable experience in the library and one in the town council offices.

“We continue to run an excellent CCTV service jointly with Newquay Town Council which involves the monitoring of 20 cameras across the town centre almost 24/7.

“Our parks and gardens are full of summer blooms, and the poppies commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day are looking lovely on Edgcumbe Triangle and Mount Charles roundabout.

“Finally, we are all looking forward to the fun day which is due to take place in St Austell town centre on Thursday, August 15, from 10am to 3pm. Among lots of stalls and activities, there will be a performance from Tango in the Night, an open mic competition and a danceathon led by Studio 4.

“I wish all visitors and residents of St Austell a very happy summer holiday.”