The latest plans for the Camborne Renew transport scheme have been published for statutory consultation.
The scheme is designed to enhance the appearance of Camborne town centre, improve access for pedestrians and cyclists, and increase the amount of time people spend in the town and support the local economy.
The Camborne Renew and Camborne LifeCycle schemes are part of the Camborne Town Deal Transport Project, one of 10 Town Deal funded projects which are aimed at regenerating the heart of Camborne and transforming the town into a visually appealing, accessible place to live, work, shop and visit.
The plans have been developed following extensive engagement with the local community, with the project team working hard to develop a scheme that delivers change, aligns with the project budgets and provides minimum disruption during the construction phase.
The feedback received from residents and businesses during the previous consultation has been used to shape the current designs which focus on improving the environmental aspect of the town centre by adding more seating and plant greenery, better pedestrian crossings, one hour free parking at the top of Trelowarren Street and secure cycle parking.

While the scheme is predominantly focused on Trelowarren Street and Commercial Square, there are also proposals to enhance the character of adjoining streets to complement the overall project.
Details of the plans is available to view on the Camborne Town Deal Transport page on Let’s Talk Cornwall.
The statutory consultation, which will run for three weeks, is being led by Cormac in partnership with the Camborne Town Deal transport team.
Val Dalley, chair of the Camborne Town Deal Board, said: “The Camborne Renew project is going to make a big difference to our town centre and this consultation is an important opportunity for residents and businesses to have their say on the plans. The project has generated considerable interest and, like my fellow board members, I’m now looking forward to seeing the scheme implemented.”
Louis Gardner, portfolio holder for economy, Cornwall Council added: “Making town centres visually appealing, accessible and places to linger are all key steps to enhancing their vitality. I urge people to keep sharing their vision and needs for Camborne town centre with us.”
To view details of the proposals, including maps and drawings, and to take part in the consultation, visit the transport consultation section on Cornwall Council’s website. Responses can also be provided via email at [email protected].