Sounds of brass and beautiful voices reverberated around Wadebridge Town Hall – and probably could be heard all along The Platt.

The massed bands of St Breward, St Minver and Wadebridge with their musical director Tom Howard came together with Wadebridge Male Voice Choir, directed by Gareth Stubberfield and the wonderful soprano soloist Karen Hurn, all compèred by the incomparable Neil Caddy of Pirate FM to perform a ‘Last Night of the Proms’. Organised by Bodmin Hospital League of Friends.

The performers gave their time again this year following many requests for a repeat of the 2022 concert. 

Unfortunately the night clashed with England playing in the semi-finals of the Rugby World Cup, which reduced the audience to a degree, however nearly £1,000 was raised to help ‘The Friends’ in their task to supply goods and services not supplied by the NHS for the staff and patients of Bodmin Hospital.

Friends’ chairman, Susie Gore said: “What a truly happy and successful evening we had last Saturday; if anything and if possible, I thought the whole concert even eclipsed last year’s performance for the high standard of the music and singing.   

“I, as a Cold Play fan, of course, thought the evening couldn’t get better when the band played Vive La Vida by Cold Play as one of it’s opening pieces. 

“For the massed bands to do justice to such a brilliant iconic number I knew that the evening ahead was going to be a good one and it certainly was.  

“The atmosphere was quite lovely, everyone friendly and Wadebridge Town Hall looking so festive with the bunting and flags. The Cornish Anthem Trelawney at the end really raised the roof.”