HUNDREDS of proud people paraded through Newquay town centre to show their Cornish pride on St Piran’s Day.
Pupils from schools took part in the grand parade from Beachfield Avenue passing through Bank Street and East Street and finally finishing at the bottom of Marcus Hill.

Newquay Junior Academy schoolchildren carried a giant Chough and tin mine made out of paper mâché, which was created especially for the occasion.

Schoolchildren were joined by various organisations in the town including Newquay Old Cornwall Society, RAF St Mawgan, Newquay Women’s Institute, Peaches and Cream Women’s Institute as well as Newquay Orchard.

A children’s Ceilidh supported by Oll an Gwella and U3A Dancers was held at St Michael’s Church following the parade.

Mayor Drew Creek said: “It was great to see so many people out celebrating the patron saint of Cornwall.
“I’m pleased to see all the efforts the schools have put in.
“Newquay Junior Academy’s Chough and tin mine look fantastic.
“It is also great to see an event like this bringing people together as a community.
“We need more events like that.”

Newquay St Piran’s Festival co-ordinating group has organised a week-long programme of events to celebrate St Piran’s Day including a St Piran’s Eve concert at the Great Western Hotel and Steam Bar.

Other events being staged on St Piran’s Day include a Cornish quiz at the Central Inn at 7pm and the Trelawney Shout will be held at the venue at 9pm, which will be led by Oll an Gwella.

A Trelawney Shout will also be held at 9pm at Newquay Rowing Club, which will be led by the Newquay Rowing Club Singers.
Newquay Rowing Club Singers will perform at The Cornishman in Crantock on Saturday, (March 8) at 8pm.

Jim Christophers from the Newquay St Piran’s Festival co-ordinating group said: “I cannot believe we have had wonderful weather for the parade for two years in a row.
“I’m delighted the schools have turned out in such numbers.
“There must have been several hundred people taking part and I’m sure it has rivalled Truro’s St Piran’s parade.
“We have had some great events throughout the week to celebrate St Piran’s Day including the superb St Piran’s Eve Concert.”