FEARS have been raised the opening hours at Newquay Minor Injury Unit are being reduced to three days a week ahead of the busy tourism season.

Sources inside the unit at Newquay Community Hospital in St Thomas Road have stated the facility will only be staffed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, with no cover on weekends, from July.

The Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has not confirmed the opening times will be reduced to three days a week but did say it is experiencing “staffing challenges” due to vacancies and staff sickness and that opening hours “remain under constant review.”

Residents believe it would be an “unbelievable” decision to reduce the opening times to three days a week. They argue the minor injury unit is needed now more than ever considering the tens of thousands of visitors that are starting to descend on the town to holiday and the hundreds of new homes being built.

Residents also fear the reduced opening hours could have a major impact on the Royal Cornwall Hospital, which is struggling to cope with demand, especially during the summer months.

If the trust does decide to reduce the opening hours at the minor injury unit it would be the second time in a matter of weeks. The opening times were cut to five days a week in March, which at the time the trust said it hoped would be a “short-term change.”

Residents fear it could be the beginning of the end for the Minor Injury Unit if the opening hours are reduced to three days.

Phillipa Mitchell, from Porth, said: “I was at the Minor Injuries unit at Newquay hospital where I was informed by staff that from July this great service will only be open Monday to Wednesday. Unbelievable.

“With our season beginning already and the population in Newquay growing what a ridiculous decision.

“I thought the idea was to use local hospitals to help free up the busy Treliske. Could this be the beginning of the end of Newquay hospital? We need to make our feelings heard on this decision.”

A spokesperson from Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust said: “In March 2024, we amended the opening hours of Newquay Minor Injury Unit to 8am to 8pm, Fridays to Tuesdays.

“This temporary change was made to support our staff and ensure safe patient care. It reflects the times when the unit is busier and remains in place. 

“However, we are still experiencing staffing challenges due to vacancies and staff sickness.

“These have led to some short-term changes to the availability of the minor injury unit in recent weeks, including early closing or late opening times. 

 “In line with our operating policies, opening hours remain under constant review and we allocate resources across the county in order to keep our busiest units open and safely able to treat as many people as possible. 

 “Recently recruited staff for Newquay Minor Injury Unit are currently undergoing the necessary clinical training, which takes 12 months to complete.”