MUSICIAN Alister Berry is tuning up for a big challenge.

The chairman of St Austell Band Club and his friend, entertainer Johnny Cowling, will be taking part in the Ride for Precious Lives 2024 in aid of Children's Hospice South West (CHSW).

The pair are part of the 14-strong Team Betty which is named after the Cornish fundraising character Betty Stogs, also known as Fred Thomas.

Alister and Johnny are in training for the cycle ride of more than 200 miles which starts on Friday, July 12, at the Charlton Farm hospice run by CHSW in North Somerset.

On day two, the scores of cyclists taking part will visit the Little Bridge House hospice in North Devon and then, on the Sunday, they will make their way to the finish line at the Little Harbour hospice at St Austell.

Cyclists who have taken part in the ride before always say how inspired they have been by the children and families they meet along the way.

Each rider is committed to raising £1,200 in sponsorship and so far Team Betty has smashed the £30,000 barrier.

Get in touch with Alister at ARB Signs or Johnny via Facebook to find out how you can support them.