A developer is due to start the demolition of a derelict Newquay hotel this week ahead of building a luxury housing development. 

Stephens+Stephens is knocking down the Marina Hotel at Narrowcliff before constructing its Cliff Edge 2 scheme, which will consist of 32 apartments and underground parking. 

The Cornish homes developer completed the build of Cliff Edge next door to the Marina Hotel in 2022, transforming the derelict space that originally the Safi  Hostel.   

They are now set to build ‘Cliff Edge 2’, as a “natural extension” to the original building.    

Demolition of the hotel will get underway as soon as a specialist contractor completes the safe removal of all asbestos.   

The physical demolition work will be run ‘back to front’ coming through to the Tolcarne side as soon as is possible. 

Stephens+Stephens say they will be bringing in a set of dust suppression water cannons which will be used to minimise airborne dust and particles given that the required demolition does naturally create dust and disruption for the directly surrounding neighbours. 

Dust control measures with plastic sheeting will also be used throughout the works.   

 They also say a construction noise and vibration management plan and a waste management plan for removal and disposal of construction debris is in place.   

The access road and the private roads to the rear of the property have been closed for safety reasons and this has been agreed with the neighbouring Premier Inn.  

Working hours have been permitted from 8am-6pm Monday to Friday and 8am-1pm on Saturdays.  

 The company will also be employing road sweepers and window cleaners and has volunteered to clean the extensive windows at the neighbouring Premier Inn and at Cliff Edge during the demolition programme, as well as additional internal hallways cleaning at Cliff Edge.   

Operations manager Christine Rostock said: “We’re excited to get going on Cliff Edge 2, and have been meticulously planning the demolition of the former Marina Hotel for the past few months.  

“We’re well aware that this necessary work will cause an element of disruption to our neighbours and are therefore proactively doing all possible to inform everyone in the local area, and employing our dust cannons, road sweepers and window cleaners across the job. 

“All surrounding neighbours have had letters from us, informing them about the demolition programme and the steps we are taking, including The Premier Inn.”