A COUPLE who are nearing the end of a 12-month, 6,000-mile walk around the entire coastline of mainland Britain in aid of the RNLI visited Newquay lifeboat station and enjoyed a 'brew with the crew' on Friday lunchtime. (May 17)

Antony and Sally Brown from St Blazey Gate began their walk at Bude RNLI last May, walking clockwise round the coast and are now only five days and three lifeboat stations away from completing the trek back in Bude one year later, having raised more than £10,000 for the charity that saves lives at sea.

Some of Newquay's RNLI volunteers, who had been at the lifeboat station until 11pm on Thursday night following a call to investigate an object in the water at East Pentire, returned to the boathouse at 2pm to welcome Antony and Sally in glorious sunshine, following their walk from St Agnes on Friday morning.

Antony and Sally left Bude on May 15 last year and are due to arrive back there on Wednesday, May 22 the day before Sally's 60th birthday.

Antony said: 'We walked the Cornish coast path in 2015 and loved it, which inspired us to walk further.

“We're proud to fundraise for the charity which does such vital work and the welcome we've received from lifeboat crews around the UK has been one of the highlights of the walk. We call ourselves 'gap-year grandparents! The kids had gap-years, so this is ours.”

Newquay RNLI Deputy Lifeboat Press Officer, Andy Hobkinson said: “I was a bit 'late to the party' unfortunately, but since Antony and Sally left Yorkshire en route to Cornwall in early February, I have been on board with them, contacting lifeboat stations to encourage support and arrange welcomes from crews.

“I walked the South West Coast Path 25-years ago, so I have nothing but admiration for the challenge that Antony and Sally have been undertaking, walking ten-times that distance to support the dedicated crews of the RNLI.”

Supporters can donate to Antony and Sally's walk in aid of the RNLI at: www.justgiving.com/page/ukcoastwalk and follow their progress at: www.facebook.com/share/rYuxyVnEBGh25Rdd/