Councillors at Truro City Council have voted unanimously to support the Climate and Ecology Bill following a motion raised at full council, and are calling on Truro and Falmouth MP Cherilyn Mackrory to support it when gets its second reading in Parliament.  

Truro mayor Cllr Carol Swain said: “The UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world, with more than one in seven of our plants and animals facing extinction, and more than 40 per cent in decline.  

“Unless we drastically change course, the world is set to exceed the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C limit. 

“This bill, which has been written by scientists, experts and campaigners, aims to stop the destruction of nature and I am very proud that the council has given it its full support”.  

The average global temperature has already increased by 1.2°C above pre-industrial levels. Research shows the gap between pledges and policy leaves the world on course for catastrophic warming of nearly 3°C. 

The Climate and Ecology Bill, a private member’s bill currently before the House of Commons, seeks to address the challenges this situation poses by creating a whole-of-government approach to deliver a net zero and nature positive future.   

It has been supported by 80 cross-party MPs and Peers and 237 local authorities, alongside the support of NGOs such as the Wildlife Trusts, the Doctors’ Association, Oxfam, the WI and the CPRE; businesses, such as The Co-operative Bank, Riverford and The Body Shop; eminent scientists, and 42,000 members of the public.  

The bill would require the development of a strategy to ensure that the UK’s environmental response is in line with the latest science. 

This would include delivering a joined-up environmental plan considering the crises in both climate and nature; reducing greenhouse gas emissions to ensure emissions are in line with the best chance of meeting the UK’s Paris Agreement obligations; reversing the decline in nature, setting nature measurably on the path to recovery by 2030; and prioritising nature in decision-making, ending fossil fuel production and imports as rapidly as possible.  

Truro City Council also advocates giving the British people a say in finding a fair way forward via a temporary, independent and representative Climate and Nature Assembly, creating consensus and ensuring that no one and no community is left behind.  

“Nature provides our best chance of mitigating climate change and its worst impacts, such as extreme flooding and drought. 

“This means that protecting nature must take equal priority with cutting emissions,” said Cllr Swain.  

The council is also writing to Cherilyn Mackrory to provide notice that the motion has been passed and urge her to sign up to support the Climate and Ecology Bill in Parliament.