Meet the UK's youngest landlady, who started running a pub aged just 18.

Lauren Lobb, now 19, was barely of legal drinking age when she took over the London Inn, at Summercourt, with her then partner - and had never even pulled a pint.

The teenager left her studies early as she wanted to get a full-time job and started working milking cows.

And she then decided to take over her local where she shared fond memories with her father Gary, 53, on a whim- having never worked in a pub before.

Now the London Inn is doing better than ever and Lauren is lucky if she gets two hours off in the evening between cooking, serving, cleaning and admin.

London Inn Summercourt
The London Inn (SWNS)

The landlady has even had to show her ID to prove to customers she is how young she says she is.

Lauren who is from Summercourt, said: "I always used to come into the pub with my dad so it meant something to me.

"They were struggling to find people to take over and it was closed for six months.

"My ex partner had a bit of knowledge about pubs and we thought let's just do it.

"I had absolutely no experience."

She opened the London Inn in February and moved in too.

Lauren's ex is no longer on the scene, but she now runs the pub alongside two other staff members with a bit of help from her dad.

She said: "Customers just don't believe I'm only 19 they say I must be 26.

"Sometimes I have to get my driving licence out to prove my date of birth."

"I used to be quite shy but I have opened up so much.

"I love meeting new people, speaking to people and we get a lot of people who come down on holiday."

She admits the biggest struggle is her jam-packed schedule as she barely gets any time to herself.

"The hours are the hardest part, there's always something to be done but I've found my passion and what I want to do," she added.

Lauren starts work in the morning preparing pub grub which is served between 6pm and 8.30pm between Tuesday and Sunday.

She added: "We do carvery every Sunday which gets rammed.

"Throughout January, which is usually a tough month, we were really busy. We are so welcoming and everyone who comes to the bar speaks to each other."