A RENOWNED Cornish feminist theatre company is reviving its acclaimed Edinburgh show that aims to encourage conversation about how much better actual sex is than porn.

Scary Little Girls will be staging The Riot Showgrrrls Club, an extravaganza of cabaret fun, using humour, songs and storytelling, at venues in Penzance, Helston, Newquay, Liskeard, Penryn and Redruth from May 24 to 31.

Originally commissioned in 2008, Scary Little Girls took a pro-sex anti-porn show to Edinburgh at a time when lad mags were in their heyday, cabaret meant females stripping and free porn was becoming mainstream.

Now in 2024, host Rebecca Mordan will compere an entertaining evening of games, comedy, and songs to look at how we feel about things in the modern age. 

Rebecca Mordan, creative director of Scary Little Girls, said: “We’ve always said it’s an empirical fact that feminists have the best sex and we are using throbbing, electro-pop and gleeful, musical romps to lay out why and how porn ruins this – and what we can do to reclaim our sex lives.

“Our show uses a cabaret format to pack a powerful political punch, while the wrap-around activities create a safe space for conversation, connection and creative response.

“Imagine a club where you are greeted with sparkling wine, a suggestive cake and the feminist hand-stamp of your choosing.

“In this club you are part of a show that combines Patriarchy Bingo, PowerPoint and madrigals about the vulva in a fast-paced, feel-good (mostly) feminist fling about great sex in an age of terrible porn.

“The Riot Showgrrrls Club is run by your hosts, glamorous comediennes and singers who have the truth-telling powers of Cassandra, the political punch of Gloria Steinem and the high quality daftness of Melissa McCarthy.

“How does such a night end? Well, after the show you stay on in the club to listen to the women-only DJ set, make your own club membership card with our Radical Craftivist, have some more drinks and get your conversation on – ‘cos in our revolution we’ll find sisterhood and there will be dancing.”

The project is part-funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 

Louis Gardner, Cornwall Council cabinet portfolio holder for economy, said: “Through our Good Growth Investment Plan, we want to build on Cornwall’s strong theatre and performing arts industry, reach new audiences and involve our communities in producing and enjoying the very best cultural offer that our established and admired organisations deliver.”  

The Riot Showgrrrls Club will be performed at the Hypatia Trust, Penzance on May 24, The Ladder, Redruth on May 25, Newquay Orchard on May 26, The Fish Factory Art Space on May 29, Helston Old Cemetery Chapel on May 30 and The Liskerrett Centre, Liskeard on May 31.