CONTENTIOUS plans to expand a popular pub in Mitchell have been turned down.

Councillors rejected the Plume of Feathers proposal to create a new wedding venue, walled garden and restaurant as well as seven self-contained holiday accommodation units as they felt the development would cause a noise disturbance to its neighbours.

Residents opposed the plans stating the development would lead to additional noise, traffic issues and a loss of privacy.

Nicholas Turner, the business operations manager for the Plume of Feathers, argued the scheme would help safeguard the 500-year-old Grade II listed venue for the future.

Planning officer Jeremy Content had earmarked the scheme for approval as he felt it would provide a significant economic and employment benefit.

He stated there would be additional noise and traffic movements but not to an extent that would have a harmful effect on neighbours or access through the village.

But Cornwall Council’s central-sub area planning committee refused the plans at its meeting at County Hall on Monday, January 13, by seven votes to two.

Cllr Michael Bunney said: “I love the pub and there is a viable business there already.

“People do need to know Mitchell to understand the concerns that have been raised.

“It is an incredibly important historic village.

“We have clear officer advice there that the 35 proposed wedding events is a significant change. They are raising concern after concern on noise.

“We have to listen to these residents raising these concerns. I know Mitchell and there is a huge difference to the noise created by the A30 and this overwhelming development.

“This isn’t a slight change. It is a very significant change to the running of this business.”

Mr Turner said: “Hospitality is facing significant challenges in the current economic climate.

“Pubs and restaurants are closing at a rapid rate every single day.

“We innovate and diversify to remain viable and futureproof the pub for future generations like it has been for the past 500 years.

“One of our overarching aims to not to allow the pub to go into a dark future.

“The redevelopment will bring significant benefits to the local economy. At the moment we employ 50 people locally. This will bring 50 additional employment opportunities.

“The Plume of Feathers is the cornerstone of the community. Do not let it slip aside.”

Some councillors were supportive of the plans.

Cllr Peter Williams said: “Unless we look after our local businesses we are not going to have them.

“I understand the concerns of the parish but there are an additional 50 jobs here for the people of Cornwall.

“We can’t just walk away from that. We really need to support the people who live in Cornwall. It’s a struggle down here for a lot of them to get jobs.”

Cllr John Fitter added: “We have to be cruel to be kind and say we support you in your ambitions to sustain your business but on this one you have gone a bridge too far my friends.”

Resident Emma Shaughnessy-Philp said: “Small historical Mitchell village spoke from the heart today at NCH for their concerns for the overwhelming diversification of their heritage heart of the community.

“Residents have grave concerns for the overdevelopment of their beloved local, residents have always been fully supportive of previous accommodation extensions but a 4.2 x 29 metre cafe complex and colossal wedding venue was a step too far.

“Not one resident agreed or favoured this extensive over development in a heritage rural location. As one resident stated of all things our village needs a wedding venue wasn't one. Cornish rural life and wellbeing over business hunger.”