WITH a few chops and changes to account for unseasonal weather, Charlestown Regatta ran from Saturday, July 20 until last Friday.

Activities included biathlon and triathlon, water polo and pasty competition, sailing in the bay and a raft race which saw the fastest raft contest won by Jewsons Skip, who stole the prize from defending champions The Black Pearl. Charlestown Rowing Club challenged local businesses and organisations to enter novice teams in a race which was won by KREV gym.

There was live music aplenty: Jailhouse and Johnny Cowling kept the crowd singing and dancing despite Wednesday’s wet weather; Thursday saw a Grand Carnival, Flora Dance, Proms in the Park and spectacular fireworks; and the Regatta Rocks finale on Friday saw performances from Boundless Brothers, Martin Harley and Joey The Lips.

The regatta has raised over 30,000 for good causes in the last five years. Next year’s event will run from August 2 to 8.