A MULTI-storey car park in Truro has been closed due to “concerns about adding additional load to the multi-storey sections of the car park” according to Cornwall Council.

The sudden loss of most of the parking at the 680-space Moorfield facility from Tuesday night has shocked residents and visitors. The local authority is currently unable to say when it will reopen.

The ground floor and outside sections remain open, as well as the parking area for reserved permit holders, but decks four to nine are off-limits following an inspection.

A council spokesperson said: “We have closed the multi-storey sections of Moorfield car park after a structural survey revealed potential weaknesses in several areas.

“Safety, as always, is paramount and this closure will enable our engineers to carry out further assessments. We will provide further updates in due course.”

Asked how it’s safe to park on the ground floor if there are concerns with the decks above, the council spokesperson explained: “The issues relate to concerns about adding additional load to the multi-storey sections of the car park, rather than the structure being able to bear its own weight.”

The ramps and stairwells leading to the multi-storey sections have been secured to prevent access. The public toilets will remain open.

There is added pressure on city parking since the demolition of Carrick House and Viaduct car parks last year to make way for the Pydar development.

Representing city retailers, Truro Business Improvement District (BID) manager Alun Jones said he was “obviously concerned” with the temporary closure and reduction in public car parking spaces.

“We are keen to receive timely updates from Cornwall Council in order for the businesses and public to understand the duration involved,” he added.

“There are plenty of other parking options, including private car parks, which offer competitive commuter rates for people who work in town.”

Both Mr Jones and Cornwall Council recommended Truro Park and Ride, which has 2,588 spaces split between its Langarth and Tregurra sites. Day tickets costing £2.40 and multi-day tickets offer discounts to regular users.

A list of alternative Cornwall Council car parks can be found at www.cornwall.gov.uk