A TRURO teenager has been shortlisted for in this year's RSPCA Young Photographer People's Choice Award – and your vote could help her win.

Eva Steel, 14, has been shortlisted with her image ‘The elegant slug’, shot at at a waterfall in Whitby. She is competing against 14 fellow photographers, including 12-year-old George Avery, from Callington, whose photo ‘Frisbee Lion’ which shows his dog Betsie catching a frisbee.

From a hungry fish to a moth on a window and a canine poking their head out of a cat flap, the images range from hilarious to fascinating. All have been entered by budding young photographers aged 18 and under, and the public are invited to vote online for their favourite.

The People's Choice Award is part of the prestigious RSPCA Young Photographer Awards. Categories judged by a panel of photographic experts include Mobile Phone and Devices, Pet Personalities and Pet Portraits.

Andrew Forsyth, RSPCA photographer and judge, said: “The shortlisted photos are fantastic and really varied, from sweet and funny pictures of pets showing off their incredible personalities to stunning photos of insects in all their tiny glory.

“At the RSPCA, we know how incredibly important it is that children and young people feel connected to the natural world and have the drive and passion to protect it. As we look to the future of animal welfare, we are committed to engaging the next generation so we can deliver the change needed to protect animals, people and the planet. This is why it’s incredible to see all our passionate young photographers embracing nature and being powerful advocates for the animal kingdom.”

Voting closes on Wednesday, March 26 and the winner will be announced on the RSPCA’s socials on Thursday, March 27. Visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SHZVSS8