MEASURES to open up the entrance to Lemon Quay’s subway, improving the lighting and providing a more welcoming entrance to the city centre, form part of the first planning application to make Truro’s piazza a more attractive place to shop, work and visit.

Led by Cornwall Council and developed in consultation with key partners including Truro Town Deal Board, Truro City Council and Truro BID, the scheme has been designed to create a “high-quality vibrant, attractive and green public space that will encourage more people to visit and spend more time in the city centre”.

Lemon Quay project manager Jon Mitchell said the subway was one of the key areas identified for improvements during a recent public consultation.

“People told us the design and the poor lighting meant it was an uncomfortable place to walk though, especially at night,” he said. “The proposed scheme has been designed to make the entrance to the subway lighter and more welcoming, with other measures aimed at making Lemon Quay a more attractive space for all users.”

There are also plans to install two column-mounted projectors to light the surface of Lemon Quay, while improved street furniture and lighting have been designed to encourage greater use of the riverside setting, encouraging public interaction with the Truro River towards Boscawen Park and creating greater opportunities for local businesses.

Landscaping and biodiverse planting is also proposed, with new trees, large shrubs, hardwood planters and seating.

Under the proposed plans, the existing concrete retaining walls on each side of the subway will be demolished and replaced with lower cut back walls. These will have granite sections with attractive designs, developed in partnership with a local artist, imprinted on the front. Steel parapets will provide secure “bookends” to the existing balustrade surrounding the subway.

New steps will provide access to the riverside edge of Lemon Quay, offering an alternative route for subway users. Granite and hardwood materials will be used where possible to reflect and celebrate the wider history of the city.

The scheme has been designed to maintain access for all vehicles, pedestrians, cycles and emergency vehicles. Space will also be provided for traditional events, such as the farmers’ and Christmas markets, with complimentary plans being developed in partnership with the city council to encourage new events and activities.

Truro Town Deal Board chairman Alan Stanhope said: "By improving accessibility, enhancing the subway and creating stronger connections with the river, this scheme will strengthen Truro’s appeal as a place to live, work, and visit. We’re pleased to see these plans move forward and bring lasting benefits to the city."

Louis Gardner, Cornwall Council cabinet portfolio holder for economy, said: “The subway from Garras Wharf is a busy gateway to Lemon Quay and the wider shopping area, so it’s important people feel safe and welcomed. It’s good to see these Town Deal plans for investment progressing.”

If approved, improvements to the subway are currently scheduled to commence in early 2026.

The planning application can be viewed at Cornwall Council’s online planning register (reference number PA24/09614).