PLANS to improve safety and facilities for walking and cycling along Malpas Road are being published for formal consultation on Thursday.
The proposals are part of Truro’s Town Deal-funded Green Transport project, which aims to create better and safer links with existing assets such as Boscawen Park, the Newham Trail and the National Cycle Network.
They include traffic-calming features, improved access to footpaths and new crossing points to connect people to the riverside along Malpas Road.

A landscaped green space area will be created in place of the Pendeen Road roundabout, which will be transformed into a T-junction, together with new planting, paving, seating and footpath connectivity.
The scheme will be delivered in a series of phases to minimise potential disruption. The first phase, which involving the construction of the landscaped green space area, is scheduled to be carried out between January and March 2025.
Further phases will improve existing footway kerbing sections, install new crossing points, carry out minor junction improvements and complete resurfacing works. The scheme is due to be completed by the end of 2025.
Space constraints mean some sections of the road will need to be closed at various times to enable work to be carried out safely.
The project team will work closely with all stakeholders – residents, businesses, emergency services and visitors - to keep disruption to a minimum.
Temporary traffic lights are expected while carrying out works during daytime hours, while road closures - necessary to construct new crossing points and for kerbing and footway improvements in existing narrow sections of carriageway - will be carried out overnight, with noisy operations being completed within the evening period.
Advanced notice of road closures will be provided for residents and local users to enable forward planning of their journeys. Emergency service access will always be ensured.
The period of statutory consultation, led by Cormac in partnership with the Truro Green Transport project team, will run for three weeks. Details including maps and drawings will be available to view on the transport consultation section from Thursday at
Feedback will be used to inform the final scheme design. Responses can made via the website or by email at [email protected]
Truro was awarded £23.6-million of government funding in June 2021 via the Town Deal programme, which comprises seven projects designed to transform the city and local economy. The Malpas Road scheme is the first to be delivered as part of the Green Transport project.
Alan Stanhope, chair of Truro Town Deal Board, said: “Our vision with the Truro Town Deal investment was to create a connected river city. The Green Transport project brings everything together by encouraging people to use active travel such as walking and cycling to move around the city.”