By Jenny Deacon and Sara Walker

Looe Golf Club latest

MANY thanks were expressed to Sara Walker, lady vets captain, for putting on a great charity day for The Jane Kelley Memorial Day. 

There was an excellent turnout from the lady vets who all looked very smart in their new colours.

The prize table looked lovely and colourful with prizes supplied by Bob Kelley. There was also a lovely raffle prize. 

The day raised over £100 for the lady captain’s charity, Bowel Cancer West and an enjoyable day was had by all with coffee and cake supplied by the Lady Vets after the competition. 

They played a reverse waltz over 12 holes off the blue tees with some very close scores.

Winners with 53 points were Jax Wailes, Carol Stevens and Jenny Deacon. Nearest the pin for handicaps over 30 was Wendy Buckland and ‘nearest the pin’ for handicaps under 30 was Kathryn Morcom. Pat Butler won the raffle.