Cornwall’s top players returned from the final match weekend in Badminton England’s Senior County Championships, played over two days at Bath University’s Sports Training Village, to complete the season.

The team, bidding to avoid relegation, first took on Avon 3 on Saturday morning after the long drive to Bath, and Harry Dyer got us off to a great start by winning his number one singles in two comfortable ends.

Jack and Elliot Dyer battled away in the other singles, but like Joanna Vyvyan and Ellie Watkinson, couldn’t quite convert against some talented opponents.

The first men’s doubles went Avon’s way, as Guy Michell and James Whetter found it tough going, but Jack and Harry did really well to win the second men’s in three.

In the first women’s doubles, Bronwen Wotton and Melissa Lin had a very close game which they unluckily just lost in three exciting ends, although another new pairing of Jess Canfield and Ellie Watkinson lost out in two.

The two mixed doubles completed the match, and first up were Harry and Joanna, who pushed a strong Avon pair all the way before a narrow defeat in three very close ends. Guy and Bron lost out to an established pair, to leave the final result 9-2 in the Avon team’s favour.

The afternoon’s match was against West Glamorgan, and again Harry kicked off against a skilful Welshman, pushing him hard with some fantastic retrieving and speedy court coverage but unluckily losing in three. The two other men’s singles and both women’s both went West Glamorgan’s way sadly.

The men’s doubles was a wholly different story though, as first Guy and James won in two ends, swiftly followed by the storming Dyers, Harry and Jack, also continuing their winning ways.

In the women’s doubles, Bronwen and Melissa were up against a powerful Welsh pair, and lost in two close ends, then Jess and Joanna took part in the closest and longest match of the weekend, eventually taking a fine victory after three long, gruelling ends and outlasting their rivals.

The mixed doubles followed, with another long three ender for Guy and Bronwen which they were unlucky to lose, before Elliot and Melissa won the second mixed in impressive fashion, to give the overall match score as 7-4 to West Glamorgan.

Day two saw the team back in the hall for a morning final match against a table-topping Devon side, but minus Elliot who had had to retire injured from the day before.

The men’s singles started with Harry having an amazing victory in the first game, out-playing the opposition with his fast movement, skill and power on the court over just two ends. 

Jack lost to a higher-ranked player, and with the third men’s singles conceded due to injury, it left the girls with an uphill task.

Joanna took on a much fancied opponent, and completely overwhelmed her with determined, tactical speed and shot-placement to earn a stunning and unexpected win, to the delight of her Cornish teammates. 

Melissa battled hard in the second singles against a much more experienced singles player, but just came up short.

Both sets of doubles came next, but James and Guy were second best to a good Devon pair in the top slot, leaving Harry and Jack to fight hard over three tight ends before winning and achieving their excellent 100% doubles record for the weekend. 

Both women’s doubles went to Devon, although Bronwen and Ellie pushed their rivals to sweat over three ends and only just lost out in the end.

Again the opposition were too strong in the mixed doubles for a tiring team, with Harry and Melissa plus Guy and Bronwen losing in two, to leave the overall final score 8-3 to Devon, after Cornwall had given them a fright or two.

Another inter-county season ends, with the team facing relegation after some hard fought battles, team changes and impressive victories along the way. Cornwall will look forward to the next season optimistically as always.

Team for final weekend: Harry Dyer, Jack Dyer, Elliot Dyer (all Truro), James Whetter, Guy Michell (both St Austell), Joanna Vyvyan, Ellie Watkinson (both Camborne), Bronwen Wotton (Bristol), Jess Canfield (Callington), Melissa Lin (Truro). Managers: Brian Hannibal, Sue Biscoe.