NEW manager Chris Knight is getting the old band back together big time at AFC St Austell.

Since his appointment earlier this month, the Lillywhites have announced that Liam Eddy, Olly Brokenshire and Jake Miller will be returning to the club.

They have also confirmed that influential skipper Neil Slateford has agreed to stay, along with Ed Timmons, Owen Rosevear, Tom Guest, George Marris, Martyn Duff and Harvey Hann.

Knight said: “I’m delighted that we have managed to bring in some experience to support the talented young players already at the club.

“I can’t speak highly enough of what Mark Smith has done with this team but if they missed anything it’s a bit of nouse at this level and Olly Liam and Jake bring that in spades.

“Liam has a point to prove and this is the perfect place for him to do it, he’s loved here; Olly needs no introduction and is a proven winner, we are delighted he has joined and Jake speaks for himself, he’s so talented and we are excited to have him on board.

“Probably the most important signing is a guy already at the club, Slates could play wherever he wanted but for him to believe in what we want to do not only keeps players at our club it also attracts others.

“We are also delighted to welcome talented duo Jack Hooper and Keiron Powell back from long term injury all fighting for places.”

Knight added: “We still hope to attract a number of new players to the club as well as convince others to remain.

“We also want the club to bemuch tighter as a unit this season with a closer bond between first and second team with Alex Hambly and Sol Wilson both looking to be involved more with us next season.”