GRAMPOUND Bowling Club held their annual presentation evening on Saturday, October 26 when over 45 members and friends enjoyed a three-course meal at Carylon Bay Golf Club.
The venue has hosted the meal for the last eight years and provided another great evening.

After the meal, chairman Norman Way gave a speech thanking members for their support for the club across the season. He also congratulated Val Geal and Joyce Barrett who qualified to Leamington in the Ladies’ Pairs and were Cornwall County Ladies’ Pairs champions.
He then introduced the guest for the evening, the outgoing Group Three chairman Malcolm McCarthy, who presented the trophies with club captain Dave Juleff.
Just before the presentation, Malcolm thanked everyone for making him and his wife Pat welcome in their first season at Grampound and he presented the trophies to the following: Men’s Stewart Cup – Dave Juleff; Men’s Benevolent Pairs – Dave Juleff and Malcolm McCarthy; Men’s Tippett Shield – Roger Biddick; Men’s Rhoades Pairs – Elliott Wells and Dave Juleff; Ladies’ Langsford Rose Bowl – Emma Wells; Ladies’ Stewart Cup – Joyce Barrett; Ladies’ Tippett Shield – Joyce Barrett; Ladies’ Thomas Pairs – Lisa Stubbs and Joyce Barrett; Frank Way Memorial Shield – Zac Busby; David Andrews Open Pairs – Francis Browne and Simon Wells; Barker Cup – Francis Browne; High 5 Winners – Team of captain Mike Best, Norman Way, Malcolm McCarthy, Gary Burdon, Angie Hiett, Dave Honey, Anna Edge and Francis Browne.

At the end came the ‘Club Captain's Member of the Year’ shield which was donated to the club by Roger and Joyce Biddick a few years ago, and Dave Juleff announced the winner as Simon Wells.
Malcolm then thanked the ladies’ for their work providing refreshmentsduring the season, including when the club held county games.