IT is often said that there’s few better conversation starter than that of bin collections - and that’s certainly been the case in Mid-Cornwall since the changing of the collections in recent months.

As part of a scheme to ‘boost recycling’, Cornwall has been the subject of a phased roll out scheme overseen by Cornwall Council and implemented by its third-party waste collection and processing partners, Biffa.

Even before the new collections begun there was one rule that got people talking - the ban on your own bins. Banished to either a historical memory of all the times you had putting rubbish in your beloved old bin or consigned to a future as a water butt or make-shift ice bath, it was announced that every home would be provided with a bin or seagull proof sack by Cornwall Council - and that was all you were allowed to use.

If you were in need of another bin, you had to apply for an extra one stating why it was necessary, and then there was the reduction in collections from weekly to fortnightly, alternating with recycling.

However, in its place, the council rolled out a scheme for food waste to be collected weekly.

The new bin collection system hasn’t been without its issues or challenges - so what do you make of your new bin services?

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What you said about the bin collections

Annette: “It’s working well. No complaints.”

Bren: “In it from the beginning. Excellent. No complaints at all. Think the food bins need to be larger for families. We can nearly fill ours with just the two of us to cook for.”

Paul: “No issues at all. Great for the environment. It’s only two of us, but I would imagine not so easy with a big family. Would probably find the food waste and black wheelie bin not quite big enough.”

Wendy: “Easy! We have far less waste in the black bags. Very happy with it.”

Kirstie: “Both of ours had been emptied by 4.30pm. I really appreciate the food waste bin as I try and recycle all our fruit and veg peelings and our composter can only take so much! I’m amazed at how much you can put in the council ones - almost anything goes.”

Becky: “Amazed how much more we have recycled already.”

David: “Wait until you miss a collection day, one month worth of rubbish in one wheelie bin.”

Tony: “Confusing. Doesn't really work for a block of 14 flats already without sufficient space for the previously required number of bins. Are we really expected to keep bings INSIDE our living area?”

Kelly: “Annoyed, didn’t get bins but got a seagull proof bag instead, assumed everyone got a bin.”

Esther: “Still haven’t had my bins and being sent around in circles with the online complaints system!”