No, it’s not too early to talk about Christmas.

The WI is a very practical and methodical organisation, so in their navy blue diaries there will already be dates of notable Christmas events such as the Christmas lunches and other forthcoming important WI autumn events. For West Cornwall members, the lunch is at the Penmorvah Manor Hotel at Budock Water, on December 2. On December 6 the lunch is at the Bowood Park Hotel, Camelford which is a venue more convenient for East Cornwall members. This is always a wonderful opportunity where members have the chance to meet up and chat with WI friends and have delicious food placed before them. Both lunches are priced at £36.

Several areas of WI’s have re-ignited the former group system. Following a notification from the CFWI where each WI was allocated their group, members have met socially for events that have proved successful. Rather than following the former system that involved a great deal of work, cost and organisation, the new format promotes a more relaxed and leisurely stance. One recently held coffee morning at Porthleven and hosted by that WI proved to be very successful, with Perranuthnoe, Helston. The very warm and welcoming atmosphere was much appreciated by all who attended evoking memories of the former friendly and commutative tone of past group meetings. There is another date to follow very soon, on September 9 at St Piran’s Hall, Goldsithney from 10am to noon for a coffee morning, hosted by Perranuthnoe. Everyone welcome.

The CFWI are appealing for members who are interested in the flora and fauna of this verdant county, with the CFWI keen to reinstate the former Floral Art and Gardening sub-committee, giving it a new name and a fresh start. The former committee enjoyed many years of success giving members the opportunity to take great pleasure in flower arranging and an educational aspect in gardening, two great hobbies, as well as the workshops and memorable visits to local gardens. There is a meeting on October 7 at County House from 10am-12noon for all those interested in being part of this new venture.?

Following the success of the inaugural literary event there now is an invitation to join the author Liz Fenwick at the Carlyon Bay Hotel, St Austell, for a Literary Afternoon Tea, where we have had superb County Lunches in the past. Liz is an American writer who lives in Cornwall and has enjoyed much success taking Cornwall’s history and landscape as her inspiration. A spell binding afternoon on October 3, 2pm for 2.15pm. Cost £35.

Fairtrade Fortnight this year runs from September 9 to 22, launching our “Be the change” challenge, urging everyone to get behind our global farmer-led movement for a fairer future to spread the word on choosing Fairtrade products and convince one single person to pick up an extra Fairtrade item in their weekly shop. We all know living in an agricultural county how difficult life can be for our farming community, let alone the hardships faced by the poorer countries striving to acquire a fair price for their goods, so we can all support this challenge and buy an extra Fairtrade product. This is a validation of the WI Mission Statement.

What makes for a very pleasant day is WI members doing a shopping and eating trip, so where could be better than Clarks Village for an outing? There are now over 90 outlets, so much more choice than when we first started venturing to Somerset years ago. It’s on November 7, with two pick-points Chy Noweth and Cornwall Services. Cost £28.

For further details of any of these events contact 01872272843.