Conservative – Cherilyn Mackrory

In a highlight from the national General Election campaign last week, the Sir Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party, was outed by the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on national television that a Labour government would see working people pay £2,094 more in taxes.

Labour’s tax rise figure was calculated fairly. This sober, credible analysis of figures provided by HM Treasury, government figures and the Labour Party itself sets out clearly that Labour’s £38.5-billion in unfunded spending taxes would hike taxes for working people by £2,094.

Of course apart from doing this nationally, Labour have a record of putting taxes up locally too. In Falmouth, with a Labour run Falmouth Town Council, residents currently have the highest parish precept of any town or parish council in Cornwall, with residents paying more than a third more than the next nearest parish or town council.

It is increasingly clear that Labour have no plan for the country’s finances, should they form the next government. All they have are promises of what they would do, but no idea of how to achieve it. I hope people will bear this in mind when it comes to voting on July 4.

Labour – Jayne Kirkham

Ed Miliband, the Shadow Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero came to Cornwall last week. I have been inviting him to come here for ages because his remit includes the Labour policy which I think could be one of the most beneficial and exciting for Cornwall - our ‘Green Prosperity Plan’.

In order to hit our ambitious target of all UK electricity being produced without burning carbon by 2030, we are going to set up a new publicly owned energy company - GB Energy - and a Wealth Fund to invest in our energy of the future.

With the money from a proper windfall tax and some borrowing to invest, we could have a real stake in new technologies like floating offshore wind in the Celtic Sea and lithium mining and production for batteries - both with huge potential in Cornwall. With the support from a new Labour government to invest in our infrastructure, skills training and planning system, Cornwall could be at the heart of the next Green Industrial Revolution.

I am so pleased that Ed got to see some of the exciting innovations in renewable energy in Cornwall just before the general election.

Liberal Democrats – Ruth Gripper

“What are you going to do about housing?”, I’m often asked. The housing crisis affects residents and businesses too, and it would be a top priority for me as your MP for Truro and Falmouth. Westminster needs to understand the particular challenges we face here in Cornwall.

I’ll push for controls on second homes and Airbnb which take properties out of the market for local residents. The Lib Dems would give councils more power to control second homes and holiday lets through the planning system, and require owners to pay their fair share of tax.

I will push for an end to no-fault evictions. The Conservative government promised to do this five years ago. Each new Conservative prime minister has repeated – and broken - that promise. 800 Cornish families are in temporary emergency accommodation. This is no good for those families, and it puts enormous pressure on Cornwall Council’s budget too.

Finally, the Lib Dems would build more social – not just ‘affordable’ – homes, and ensure renters in the private market get a fair deal too.

Our housing system is profoundly unfair. A secure home feels out of reach for many people. As your MP I will work to change that.

Green Party – Karen La Borde

As a Truro city councillor I attend many meetings to discuss the building of much needed homes in Cornwall, especially the planned garden village at Langarth on the outskirts of Truro. What troubles me is that whilst roads, schools and green spaces are ready prior to the building of houses at Langarth, planners have little consideration for how this development will impact NHS services.

How many of us in Truro and Falmouth cannot get a doctor's appointment or find an NHS dentist for our children? Who hasn't failed to notice the queues of ambulances outside of Treliske hospital? And waiting times to see a consultant or have that much needed operation are off the scale. Our hospitals are run down, staff morale at rock bottom and people pleading for the government to prioritise the NHS.

The Green Party laid out its plans to invest £50-billion in the NHS and social care and a further £20-billion toward repairing crumbling and overcrowded hospitals bringing them up to modern standards. And by asking the very richest to pay a modest amount more in tax, these plans are affordable and deliverable. If we can invest in house building, we must invest in the NHS.

• Also standing is Steven Rubidge (Reform UK)