WASHINGTON, DC and the surrounding areas have been my place of work and residence now for many years. News from Washington will arrive in the ports of Cornwall packaged within the box of politics. In fact, when the world thinks of Washington, DC they immediately go to politics and politicians. Recent tumultuous news here has perpetuated this view. Let me reassure you that the identity of this place runs far deeper than that one-dimensional characterisation.

Washington, DC is rich in culture, music, sport, art, education, cuisine, architecture, hospitality, and business. It is also a global place. I view it as more international than any location in America. You will find here some of the most talented people in the world - many have come and stayed, more have been born and raised here, called it home for generations. I can walk down a street in Washington DC - turn a corner - and something or someone sparks an optimistic thought. It’s that sort of place for me.

Washington offers numerous free museums, including Smithsonian institutions like the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the National Air and Space Museum, and the National Museum of Natural History, as well as the National Gallery of Art. I have always found it extraordinary to walk in and out of stunning and high-quality museums at no cost.

Then you have rich music, writers, and creators and artists of all sorts. When you think of Washington, DC do you think theatre, music, comedy clubs, modern art? Do spectacular performance arts centres come to mind? Likely not. Well, it is all here in wide abundance. These attributes added to the culinary scene which continues to attract talented entrepreneurs and chefs from all over the world enlivens the taste of DC.

On the educational front, I have engaged with the universities here for many years. These will include the universities of Georgetown, American, Howard, and George Washington. All of these institutions are highly ranked within the US and the world. They are exceptional. And the economy here is vibrant and attractive on many levels. It ranks as one of highest performing economic areas in America.

And one of my favourite pastimes is to follow and participate in sports whether it be ice hockey, baseball, football, soccer, basketball, or golf. There are strong sports franchises here and facilities that make it attractive.

I could easily go on. What I wish to dispel from the perspective of your reading about Washington, DC from Cornwall is the notion that it is a town all about politics. We are not sitting day to day on the edge of our seats waiting for the latest from the White House or Congress. Far from it. That’s an important perspective for Cornwall to hear because there are many opportunities for Cornwall here in Washington, DC.

If you do come and visit, I’ll give you a personal tour. I am serious about that. And I’ll keep working on getting Americans to come visit Cornwall and to see what it truly has to offer across multiple fronts.