It was brilliant to be able to help the RNLI celebrate over the weekend their 160th year in Newquay and 200th year of the organisation. The RNLI serve such a hugely important role in seaside communities such as Newquay I like many of you I’m sure have been personally helped by the lifeguards when I was younger. It was amazing to see so many of you through town and at the harbour over the weekend helping recognise and celebrate the RNLI great work. From Lifeguards on beaches, volunteers raising money, lifesavers out on the water and the many many more volunteers of the RNLI I would like to on behalf of he citizens of Newquay thank you for your hard work and dedication to us all and the many that visit, thank you!

This summer we have had a lot of vandalism to our facilities on Newquay especially toilets and I wanted to address this with you. These vandals cause significant amounts of damage which costs us all as taxpayers of Newquay thousands of pounds in repairs and closures. We all want to live in a town that has nice facilities, let’s work together to make sure we have them. I want to give a personal thank you to the town council facilities and maintenance team you all do such an amazing job keeping these facilities running, clean and in good order, it’s a thankless job so let me take the e opportunity to say Thank you!

With bank holiday fast approaching and shortly after the children back to school we have officially moved into the last remnants of Summer in Newquay. Lots of us take to the roads this weekend for bank holiday staycations, that’s what my family will be doing this weekend, if you are please be safe on your journeys and enjoy yourselves.

Cllr Drew Creek

Mayor of Newquay