This weekend was the Newquay Orchard Fayre and Wellbeing festival working in partnership with NHS Cornwall.

I know that Carly the events manager at the Orchard and many others put so much into this event, however due to the horrendous weather with lightning it had to be called off.

Hopefully a future date can be planned to hold what looked to be a great opportunity for the community to come together.

This week saw the unveiling of the mural on the side of Mix in the centre of town, a huge piece of artwork which had certainly brightened up that building. I understand there are further pieces of ‘street art’ to be unveiled over the coming months.

It seems a fellow councillor has been trying to cause a little trouble this week advocating for the spraying of chemicals around our town in an attempt to kill off vegetation on the edge of the road network.

I believe the old adage of ‘people in glass houses shouldn’t thrown stones’ comes to mind as I have been extremely disappointed this year to see the lack of management of the verges, open spaces and play areas that Cornwall Council manage.

I’m not a huge advocate for cutting grass to within an inch of it’s life but just a nice tidy up round the edges and maybe cut a straight line where vegetation meets the path/kerb would be nice wouldn’t it?

Cornwall Council who interestingly are the second most in debt council after Thurrock on the land, really need to work out where their priorities are in Newquay.

I attended this weeks Town Team meeting and some encouraging work progressing projects to improve our town centre are happening. Keep your eyes peeled for more information soon one hopes.

The meeting was held at the Newquay Museum which if you haven’t been has a brilliant array of items on display from Newquay's proud history, it’s a real jewel and we should find some way of making more of this amazingly curated collection.

Thanks to Len from the museum for having us.