OUR tour of exploration around Cornwall moves on today from the starting point at Cremyll into Mount Edgcumbe Country Park as the Voice serialises the ebook, Cornwall Favourites For One And All!: A Quick Guide To Good Places To Visit In The County.

The journey will provide something for everyone along the way, from surfy beaches, wild moors, soaring cliffs and scenic rivers to historic towns, pretty villages, mining relics and theme park rides.

Voice journalist Andrew Townsend, the author of Cornwall Favourites For One And All!, says: "The tour starts in the south east of the county and then follows the superb south coast along to Land's End before tracing the rugged north coast to the Bude area. From there, the journey continues southwards down the beautiful border area with Devon, before taking in more fantastic locations across the county."

This week the focus is on Mount Edgcumbe Country Park which offers a real breath of fresh air. The park takes in a large area of land on the western side of the magnificent natural harbour that is Plymouth Sound.

The parkland was created centuries ago by the wealthy Edgcumbe family and today you may still spot deer grazing the land here. The historic seat of the family, Mount Edgcumbe House, is regularly open to the public.

You can roam for miles in the park which has gardens, cafes, a folly, the remains of fortifications, pebbly beaches and reminders of the American troops who left the area for the D-Day landings in the Second World War.

Activities are organised at the park which also hosts events through the year. The ancient Maker Church is located on high ground on the edge of the park from where they are fantastic views.

To the south of the park are the twin villages of Kingsand and Cawsand (which we will visit next time).

• Andrew Townsend is a journalist and writer. More details of Cornwall Favourites For One And All!: A Quick Guide To Good Places To Visit In The County can be found via this link to Andrew's author page on Amazon - bit.ly/AndrewTownsendAuthor