Unicorns and fairies, politicians love them both and by repeating their existence expects you to eventually believe in them too.

1. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). We need CCS in the future but we can’t rely on it now to save the day. Currently in the world about 40 mega tonnes are captured annually. The International Energy Authority say we need 1,600 capacity by 2030. Two thirds of planned projects have been dropped. There are bigger projects afoot but not many. The point is that CCS can never be an excuse to carry on with fossil fuels. They must be there for the really hard to eliminate last emissions not to carry on as usual.

2. This is always controversial but it is, by far and away, the most expensive way of generating electricity – Hinkley is reputed to be the single most costly structure built by humans and not even built yet.

Ask yourself these questions: who’s paying for it (you)? How long does it take to build (at least 20 years)? Where do we get the uranium? (not always reliable countries). What to do with the waste? (only Finland has a repository at massive expense and still they are unsure if it is safe). Who is going to pay for decommissioning (you are and current Sellafield estimate to decommission is £121 billion with another £53-billion to bury the waste).

We have far cheaper, reliable, clean, well distributed energy source in wind and solar. Storage of excess generated electricity is improving fast and not just with batteries.

3. Carbon offsetting. That is, I pay a company, most commonly, to plant trees to compensate for my emissions. A recent survey showed 90% weren’t doing what they said. So, firstly, find a reliable company, I use Climate Stewards. Secondly, this is not a substitute for trying one’s utmost to reduce one’s carbon footprint. It is and can never be an excuse to be profligate in using fossil fuels. It is a last resort.

Again, we must stop emitting now. We must reduce and stop all fossil fuels.