THE climate of our planet has been supporting the life around us more or less comfortably for the last 10,000 years but in the last 200 years a change has been happening and accelerating more recently.

There are areas of the Earth that can no longer support the life they did. Change is happening too fast for animals and plants to adapt. Whole ecosystems are being put in danger.

Without these ecosystems life on Earth becomes more and more difficult. We know that the cause is putting climate warming gases and pollutants into the atmosphere.

CASA’s mission is to say: “We can do something about this but it will take a concerted effort from all of us.”

We have had stalls at St Austell events where we talk to people about climate change, give away trees and hand out leaflets highlighting what can be done. We organise a monthly litter pick in the town, mainly in our parks. We liaise with the town council.

We write fortnightly press articles to highlight the importance of working to reduce our impact on the planet. We improve our knowledge with experts regularly talking to our group. We work to engage our MP about climate related policy. Our qualified expert gives talks to other community groups.

We need help to promote these messages as widely as possible but we have struggled with our support. All our active members have busy lives and are of a certain age where some of our activities are more difficult.

If you feel that you could be involved in promoting a better future for our planet, please come and support us at our annual general meeting. This will be held at St John’s Methodist Church on Tuesday, March 25, at 5pm. The planet needs your help.

CASA - Climate Action St Austell (