“ARE you a preppie?” I was asked - a preppie is someone who is going off grid ahead of total societal breakdown

“No way!” I replied. Quite the opposite, I am in the vanguard of those who are working for a cleaner, safer, fairer society.

Fifteen years ago, we maxed out the insulation on our home. Fourteen years ago, we put on solar panels which paid back their installation in seven years. We’ve enjoyed free electricity ever since, when the sun shines (see below).

Eight years ago, we changed to an air source heat pump. Contrary to what the naysayers tell you, no-one has complained it is cold, it is more reliable than fossil-fuel boilers and is cheaper to run. The incentive scheme meant the cost was paid back in seven years.

Eight years ago, we bought our first EV (electric vehicle). With over 80,000 miles, it has been more reliable than any fossil fuel car. We’ve always found a charging station in good time and now there are so many more fast chargers, it usually takes about half-an-hour to charge. It is faster, quieter and doesn’t smell when compared with the fossil fuel cars we’ve owned. We normally charge at home at off peak rates which mean most of the time the electricity costs us 2p a mile. How does that compare with your car?

Finally, we have bought a 12kW battery. The solar charges it with any excess in the day for use overnight. If need be, the intelligent algorithm tops it up overnight at cheap rate, to make sure there’s enough cheap, night-time electricity to take us through the day. Of course, that doesn’t do so well in winter, even so, our electricity costs have plummeted.

There is a catch to all this. All of the above costs money, more than the average Cornish resident can afford. I tell you of this now, not to boast, but this government says it is going to encourage all of the above. Watch out for grants and offers and beware any rogue operators. We haven’t regretted any of the changes save wishing we could have changed sooner.

By CASA (Climate Action St Austell)