In less than three weeks time we could have a new MP and a new government in Westminster. I am not a politician and I am not an expert. I am though a Christian. I do believe that this is God's world and that we human beings have been given an amazing responsibility to care for that world and to care for one another. Casting our vote on July 4 is an important part of that responsibility. But who should we vote for? What are the issues that we should consider as we decide where to place our X? 

If there is just one issue that crystallizes for me where we are as a society, and how that society should change, it is child poverty. We still live in one of the richest countries in the world and yet an increasing proportion of our children are not receiving a square meal each day, and are often living in inadequate housing. What does this say about our priorities? What does this say about our tax and benefit system? What does this say about our duty of care?

And what about children in other parts of the world? What about children trying to find shelter from missiles and bombs? What about children scavenging for food amongst the wreckage of their homes? What about children and their parents fleeing from violence and oppression in search of peace and security? What does this say about the arms trade? What does this say about our immigration and asylum policies? 

My little X on July 4 is not a magic ticket to a new world where everyone will suddenly start living together in harmony and peace.

But as sewage pours into our rivers and coastline, as the NHS crumbles around us, and as the rich seem to be getting richer and the poor poorer let us at least make sure that we are on the right side of history. 

Let us cast our votes, say our prayers, and commend one another to the love and mercy of our creator and redeemer.

Fr Michael Brandon, the parish priest of St Augustine's 

The St Austell Deanery is part of the Diocese of Truro. It covers the parishes in the southern part of Mid-Cornwall from St Michael Caerhayes to Fowey and inland as far as St Dennis and Roche.