“GOD is great”, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one”, “Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee”, “Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy upon me a sinner”.

And what is your prayer? And what language do you pray in - Arabic, Hebrew, Latin, English or just in the deep sighs of your heart?

“Just help me get through this day” or “Just help me to love” wouldn’t be a bad start. There again maybe you do a bit of yoga or just sit in silent meditation.

We have just been through a very turbulent time in the life of our nation. The tragic and seemingly random killing of three beautiful young girls in Southport, followed by riots focused on mosques, refugee accommodation and even libraries, has left us all shocked and damaged. Particularly disturbing for Christians is seeing some of the rioters draped in the Cross of St George. And then we have the war in the Middle East spilling over into anti-Semitism both here and throughout the world.

Salam, shalom, pax, peace, shanti, is at the heart of every religion, peace with God, peace with one another, peace with the world around us and peace within ourselves. Our histories may well be littered with military crusades, pogroms and fatwas, but let’s hope we can now begin to leave all that violence and scapegoating behind us.

I am a Catholic priest and I pray as a Catholic using Catholic prayers. But what I am actually praying for is that I might become a better Catholic, a better Christian, a better human being. I also pray that Moslems might become better Moslems, Jews better Jews, Hindus better Hindus and so on. I pray that we may all be open to one another, accepting of one another and loving of one another.

“Make us all channels of peace, transforming hatred into love, despair into hope and darkness into light. Amen.”

Father Michael Brandon

Priest in charge, St Augustine of Hippo Catholic Parish, St Austell